'Ae Kamali'i Preschool
Kids Klub
Compassion Project International
Food Bank donations
Relay for Life
Adult Day Health Center
Salvation Army Soup Kitchen
Outreach to seniors
The mission of 'Ae Kamali'i Preschool is to serve members of the community by providing quality education and child care to children in preschool. 'Ae Kamali'i Preschool offers a "year-round" program beginning with a parent & child orientation in August and ending with a festive graduation celebration in July. 'Ae Kamali'i Preschool is licensed by the State of Hawaii and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). For more information please call: (808) 245-6622.
Kids Klub, Lihue Christian Church's youth group, meets during adult service to learn about God's love through activities involving scripture stories, crafts and activities. But, we're not just limited to Sundays! Other activies and events include movie nights, Easter egg coloring night, pool days at the YMCA or swim days at the beach.

Lihue Christian Church is a proud sponsor organization for Scouting America. In the evenings and weekends, Cub Pack 3148 and Troop 148 hold their meetings and activities in LCC's Social Hall. For more information, contact: LihuePack148@gmail.com
Through the worldwide program called Compassion Project International Lihue Christian Church Kid's Klub currently sponsors 2 children; Festus, a young boy from Ghana, and Wendoly, a young girl from Honduras. Our continued sponsorship allows Festus and Wendoly much needed food, medical needs and educational assistance, and, the children of Kid's Klub will learn about poverty and how hunger affects millions of children worldwide and how a little group of kids from the other side of the world can make a difference.
Relay for Life is a fun filled community event designed to celebrate survival and raise many to support the American Cancer Society save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight against the disease. It is also a time to remember those lost to cancer and celebrate those who have survived it. Come and join the Lihue Christian Church and Friends Team on Saturday, August 17, 2024 from 4-10 p.m. at the Vidinha Stadium Soccer Field. Contacts: Marlene Morimoto or Karen Nakamura (808) 245-2348. Donations are payable to: American Cancer Society.
Wilcox Memorial Hospital has been Kauai's leading medical facility since 1938. It is now recognized as one of the top 100 rural hospitals in the United States. In 2001, Ohana Pacific Health Kauaʻi Adult Day Health Center relocated to Lihue Christian Church Social Hall. Kauaʻi Adult Day Health Center provides a supervised daytime program for adults with impairments and kūpuna in a supportive and protective environment. For more information please call: 246-6916.
The Lihue Corps serves Lihue's hungry and homeless community through its Kokua Soup Kitchen. With the full support and cooperation of churches, community leaders, businesses and dedicated volunteers, The Salvation Army serves hot meals twice a week to anyone who is hungry.

Assistance with housecleaning, yard care, errands and meals.